Versaterm Public Safety acquired Komutel
Versaterm Public Safety is changing the relationship between public safety agencies and their software providers. Everything we do originates from our focus on customer experience and outcomes. We are fueling the solutions of tomorrow, solving real problems while streamlining operations.
- Successfull NG9-1-1 call with Avaya and Ontario Provincial Police
- Acquisition of BCE Pharma
- Acquisition of VuduMobile
- Opening of a development office in Tunisia
- Hiring Tim Kenyon, ENP for American Development
- Komutel acquired Targa AIR
- Komutel wins a price a the Octas contest in May for its Konnect solution
- Komutel is chosen to participate in a program called « Passeport PME » in order to develop its international market
- Komutel acquired CVDS Inc in November
- Komutel strikes a partnership with Broadsoft.
- Komutel is nominated as the AQT « Spotlight on SME » in March.
- Komutel positions itself in the public security segment with its new product, the NG9-1-1 platform. This segment is growing steadily.
- Komutel goes in makeover mode! The company sports a new logo and a brand new visual branding.
- The Komutel product portfolio is now available in « Kloud » mode
- Acquisition of Novo Technologies, a Levis-based (Quebec, Canada) company specialized in call recording, quality control, compliance, and coaching. This transaction brings Louis Turmel, Novo Technologies President and Founder, and Michel Côté, Operations Manager, in Komutel’s executive boardroom. Mr. Turmel is appointed Executive Vice-President while Mr. Côté becomes Vice-President of Operations.
- Acquisition of ITI Software, a company specialized in call dialing automation and predictive dialing.
- Komutel is crowned as Commercial Success of the year at the 2012th edition of the Octas. This award is given to the company that has consistently shown IT excellence by Réseau Action TI. Komutel has presented – within that competition – its Healthcare and Public Safety projects. This award confirms the steady progress of Komutel in these markets.
- The arrival of Yves Laliberté strenghtens the management team and the business development process of Komutel. Mr. Laliberté will lead business development and sales in Ontario, Canada’s western provinces, the US, and finally the global markets. The objective is to consolidate Komutel’s position as a global leader in business integrated solutions.
- Michel Lacasse is nominated as President. As such, he will be in charge of leading growth and developing new markets to strengthen Komutel’s position as a world-class telecommunication solutions leader.
- Komutel concludes a partnership with Emergensys, a company specialized in 911 emergency solutions, to implement a 911 call center in Kulua Lumpur (Malaysia), a city with 9 million inhabitants. Komutel and Emergensys deploy many 911 centers in Quebec together.
- Komutel is named Visionary Company of the year! Komutel is awarded the visionary company award in the communications industry by Trophées Vision, an event organized jointly by the Ordre des CPA du Québec (« Quebec’s Chartered Accountants Corporation») and Quebec’s Chamber of Commerce.
- Komutel becomes a BlackBerry (previously known as Research in Motion) and Apple development partner with its emergency notification product.
- Signature of an agreement with Telus.
- Acquisition of ConverTec Inc., a Burlington (Ontario) telecommunication software developer. The company thus reinforces its distribution network, its customer base, and its market share in Canada, the US, and in Europe. A thousand new customers will be now served by the company.
- Komutel strikes most of its major technology partnership deals with the biggest telecom manufacturers: Cisco, Mitel, and Avaya
- Acquisition of JFB Microsystems, developer of a telephone systems’ report generator software called Telerap, considered the father of call accounting solution Komstat.
- Komutel becomes a global development partner of Nortel before its acquisition by Avaya.
- A major deal is signed between Bell Canada and Komutel. The company is now a strategic Bell alliance partner. This new agreement will help generate new revenue sources for the organization.
- Komutel is founded in 2001 in Saint-Georges-de-Beauce by Richard Poulin