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Enterprises 911 Solutions

When a 9-1-1 call has been placed, every minute counts. Your organization’s ability to provide assistance to the first responders is a crucial element in keeping employees, customers, patients, guests and others SAFE.

When we think that all of this is automaticaly taken care of, in many cases it’s not ! Sometime, the information supplied to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is innacurate – whether due to the caller’s inability to provide his or her location or due to inaccurate information being sent to the PSAP. Moreover, on-site Security staff may not even be aware that an emergency call has been placed, thus unable to provide assistance.

The Komutel ERM provides organizations with features and functionalities to assist in protecting themselves and their customers in an emergency. When a 9-1-1 call is placed, Komutel’s ERM can pinpoint the caller’s location and then forward the information on to the PSAP. In addition, the Komutel ERM provides on-site notication of the 9-1-1 call, via screen-pop or e-mail to specific personel.

Benefits of E911 Emergency Response Management of buildings

  • Low deployment costs
  • No proprietary hardware or single point of failure appliances
  • Enhances the E911 capabilities of the PBX
  • Reduce or eliminate OS-Ali/monthly recurring OpEx charges from the LEC
  • Flexible for use in building, branch and remote workers
  • In accordance with the requirements of the Kari’s Law

Features of the Komutel Enterprises 911 Solutions

  • Web-based application
  • Additional Data Repository (such as links to building floor plans, IP cameras, etc.)
  • Alerts are visible and audible and may be delivered via email or screen-pop
  • Designed for NG911 compatibility
  • Reports
  • Compatible with many PBX

Traker: Knowing the location of your softphone users is critical in a 911 event

  • Traker detects when the client is off the corporate network, querying the user to confirm their current location. Lokater then updates the E911 server to properly provision the 911 database
  • Stores frequently used addresses for easy selection and automatically selects the most likely location. Adding new locations is a snap with just a few simple keystrokes
  • E911 will always have your users current address so help can find them in an emergency and provides for detailed internal notification when they dial 911

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