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Interactive Dispatching Alert

Targa AIR

TARGA AIR is an Interactive Dispatching Alert solution developed by Komutel for every fire service that needs to communicate more quickly and more efficiently with their team members during an emergency event. Targa AIR saves you time and money, provides for immediate access to communication reports and considerably reduces liability. Through its open architecture, Targa AIR can be customized to meet your specific needs and bridges seamlessly with your existing 911 dispatch software, first responders and public works.

Once the dispatch central receives an emergency call, the dispatch is pushed onto the mobile network through privileged access with all major mobile providers (Bell, Telus, Rogers, Videotron), allowing the key stakeholders to acknowledge the status of every call at every step of the process. How many firefighters received the alarm, how many are on their way, are there enough firefighters available to send backup to the surrounding municipalities when needed, etc.

The application allows the fire chief to obtain his resources availability in Realtime. In less than 10 seconds, all firefighters’ statuses are shared to the fire chief allowing him to take decisions rapidly.

Although Targa AIR was originally created to meet the demand of fire services, this solution also meets the needs of other markets such as civil securitypolicemining security or any industry where it is important to know the availability of its workforce and thus, be able to join them quickly in the event of a crisis or to transmit various information.

Why Use Interactive Dispatching Alert?

  • React more proficiently to emergencies and unexpected events
  • Real-time resources’ status
  • Seamless integration with 911 dispatch software, first responders and public works
  • Effective status: delivered to network and devices, present, absent, etc
  • Availability and shift management
  • Detailed reports management

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